60W Soldering Iron With Indicator Light
UNI-T LM100 Laser Distance Mete.এই লেজার মিটারটি থেকে আপনি যেকোনো জায়গা থেকে দাঁড়িয়ে ১০০ মিটার দূর পর্যন্ত দূরত্ব/দৈর্ঘ্য,ক্ষেত্রফল, কোন এবং আয়তন পরিমাপ করতে পারবেন খুবই সহজে ।
Analog & Digital Training System MCP M21-7000 is High level & high quality digital-analog trainer.Combines all essential function of analog and digital experiment .
Soldering Lead 100Gm_AG
Dual Shaft 6V DC Gear Motor_Bo Motor_ 130RPM
This is 65mm Robot Wheel for BO Motor (Yellow).The wheel is made up of high-quality rubber.This wheel used in robotics car,and widely used in student project.
Ultrasonic Sonar Sensor HC-SR04 uses to determine the distance to an object.This sensor reads from 2cm to 400cm with an accuracy of 0.3cm,which is good for most hobbyist projects.
Electric Glue Gun
CD4047 Monostable Multivibrator
LED Red 5mm
I2C LCD Interface Module
This L298N Motor Driver Module is a high power H-Bridge dual motor driver module for driving DC and Stepper Motors.
L293D Motor Driver Module Mini Motor Drive L293D L293 HW-310 Shield 4 Channel Expansion Board Module Arduino UNO MEGA 2560 Portable Electrical Instruments
1 Channel 5V Relay Module
Male to Male Jumper Wires
Female to Male Jumper Wires
Female to Female Jumper Wires
This 4X4 Flexible Matrix Keypad provides a useful human interface component for microcontroller projects. The Keypad 4×4 features a total of 16 buttons in Matrix form.